CSS Syllabus Journalism and Mass Communication – 100 Marks
I. Introduction to Mass Communication
§ Concept – Definitions, Need/Importance/Purposes, Types of Communication, Process of Communication, Basic Models.
§ Functions of a model, Evaluation of a model
§ Basic models in Mass Communication: –
o Lasswell’s Model (1948)
o Shannon-Weaver model (1948)
o Osgood,s model (1954)
o Schramm’s model (1954)
o Newcmb’s symmetry theory (1953)
o Westley-McLean’s model (1976)
o Gerbner model (1956)
II. Mass Communication Theories
§ Normative theories of the press: Schramm’s four theories and criticism on these theories
§ Media as agents of power
§ The Spiral of silence
§ Media Usage and gratifications
§ Media hegemony
§ Diffusion of innovations
§ Powerful effects model: hypodermic needle, silver bullet
§ Moderate effects model: two-step and multi-step flow of communication.
§ Powerful media revisited: Marshal McLuhan’s media determinism
III. Global / International Communication
§ The Historical Context of International Communication
§ Globalization, technology, and the mass media
§ Communication and Cultural imperialism
§ Communication Flow in Global Media: Imbalance in the flow of information between North and South
§ McBride commission and its recommendations.
§ International Communication in the Internet Age: the new social media and its effects on developing world
IV. Media and Society
§ | Mass media and social change | ||
§ | Media as a social system: The balance between interdependence | interrelation | and |
§ | Media freedom and its role for democracy, |
§ The functional approach to mass media: four social functions of the media
§ Media as an awareness agent
§ Mass media and social representation
V. Mass Media in Pakistan:
§ Media system in Pakistan: historical, chronological, and analytical review
§ The system of journalism and the media system
§ Employer-employee relations in Pakistani media
§ Government-press relations
§ Press in Pakistan: The newspaper industry, from mission to the market
§ Electronic media: from total dependence to enormous power
§ The new 24/7 television: uses and abuses
§ The new radio: potential for change and the present performance.
§ The question of freedom and responsibility
VI. Development Support Communication
§ Theories of development support communication with specific focus on the developing world
§ The dominant paradigm of development: historical, analytical perspective
§ The Alternative paradigm of development
§ Small is beautiful: community development as a snowball effect.
§ Globalization vs Localization
§ Glocalization
§ Social Marketing: how to infuse new ideas into a developing population
VII. Public Relations:
§ Concept of Public Relations
§ Historical development of public relations: from press agentry to PR
§ Public relation in Pakistan
§ Ministry of information
§ Press Information Department (PID)
§ Public relations and publicity
§ PR as a tool for governance
§ Private PR agencies and their structure
§ Basic methods of PR: press release, press note, press conference
§ PR Ethics
VIII. Media Laws and Ethics:
§ History of Media Laws in Pakistan
§ Development of media regulations from British colonial era to independent
§ Libel, Defamation and relevant portions of PPC
§ PEMRA: establishment, development, and operational mechanisms
§ Press Council of Pakistan (PCP)
§ Citizens Media Commission: need, present status, and reasons for inactivity
§ Press Code of Ethics
§ Inability of the media to develop a code of ethics as an institution
§ The media’s quest for freedom and its inability to self regulate.
S No. | Title | Author |
1. | Broadcast Regulations: the German Example | Metzger, Herbert. FES 1993. |
2. | Communication Models for The Study of Mass Communication, 2nd Ed |
McQuail, Dennis &Windhal, Swen, Longman, 1982. |
3. | Convergence Culture: Where old and new Media |
Blackwell publishing Ltd, USA. |
4. | Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and Uses in the Mass Media 5th Ed | Werner J. Severin, James W. Tankard Jr. Longman, 1997. |
5. | Diffusion of Innovations 5th Ed | Rogers, Everett M. Free Press 2003 |
6. | Ethics in Journalism: A Reader on Their Perception in the Third World |
Kunczik, Michael (Ed.). FES 1999. |
7. | Handbok of International and Intercultural Communication 2nd Ed |
Gudykunst & Mody, Sage, 2001. |
8. | McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory, 4th Ed |
Denis McQuail. Sage, 2000. |
9. | Media And Society into the 21st Century: A Historical Introduction | Blackwell publishing Ltd, USA. |
10. | “Media / Impact” | Wads Worth/ Thompson Learning, Belmont, CA |
11. | “Media Now: Communication Media in the Information Age” |
Wads Worth/Thompson Learning, Belmont, CA |
S No. | Title | Author |
12. | News Media and Journalism in Pakistan | Khan, Altaf. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. June 2011. |
13. | News Media and Journalism in Pakistan and Germany (Ed.) |
Khan, Altaf. Peshawar, 2003. |
14. | Participatory Development | Hasan, Arif, Oxford, 2010. |
15. | Political Communication in Britain: The Leader Debates, the Campaign and the Media in the 2010 General Election, (Ed) |
Palgrave McMillan, UK |
16. | Political Communication in Asia, | Roultage, NY. |
17. | “Precision Journalism: A Reporter’s Introduction to Social and Science Methods”, 4th Ed |
Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD. |
18. | Report and Recommendations of the Media Commission, appointed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, 2013 | FES, Islamabad, 2013. |
19. | Reporting the Frontier: Media Capacity Building for Peace in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas |
Khan, Altaf VDM Verlag Dr. Müllere.K. June 2011. |
20. | “Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Vidoes”,.3rd edition |
Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press, 2002. |
21. | “Directing the Documentary”, 4th edition | Focal Press, 2004. |
22. | “Documentary Storytelling: Making Stronger and More Dramatic Nonfiction Films”, 2nd edition | Focal Press, 2007. |
23. | Principles of Editing | McGraw-Hill 1996 |
24. | Journalism–Principles and Practices | Vistaar Publications 2006 |
25. | The Hand Book of New Media | London: Sage |
26. | Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life: An Introduction (2nd Edition) |
London: Sage |
27. | Controversies in Contemporary Advertising | Newbury Park: Sage Publications |
28. | “Public Relations-Writing & Media Techniques” |
Harper Collins College Publishers, NY |
29. | Telecommunications Policy in Pakistan” | Telematics and Informatics |
30. | “Guaranteeing Copyright- Media Manager’s Guide to Pakistani Broadcast Law” |
Media Manager Companion Series Internews Pakistan |
31. | “Model Freedom of Information Act”, 2001 | Consumer rights Protection Commission of Pakistan |