Message of Peace and Friendship | Mohammad Hossain Bani Asadi

This year Iran is celebrating the 38th Anniversary of its Islamic Revolution and after lapse of 12 years in holding consistent dialogues with world powers it has been able to wipe out all misunderstandings and apprehensions about Iran. Some western countries and their press media, suffering from Iran-phobia, tried to distort image of this country and in their revenge they portrayed a repelling picture of Iran under the pretext of peaceful Iranian nuclear program during this process and to some extent they also succeeded in their purpose.

However, it is more important to see at the end of the day all big powers of the world showing their consonance towards Iranian policy saying that Iran was never a threat to any country but in fact it was a real source of power that fought against terrorism in and outside the region. The nuclear deal between Iran and Group of 5+1 big countries has undermined the efforts of inimical forces while the fact is that abrogation of 6-point UN Resolution had given further support and legitimacy to the Iranian stance on its Nuclear Program at global level. Iran’s achievements revealed the potentials of negotiations at the international level and the resolution of such an important topic through negotiations paves the way for other important regional and international issues to be resolved diplomatically.

After similarity of ideas on Iran’s Nuclear Program between Iran and Group of 5+1, countless offers have been made to Iran for developing economic cooperation across the world. During the last 2 years more than 150 trade and business delegations from different countries have visited Iran and held productive meetings with their Iranian counterparts. It is expected that the visit of Iranian president, H.E. Mr. Roohani, to Italy and France will go a long way in escalating Iran’s relations with rest of the world. During his last visit to Italy as many as 15 and to Vatican City and France 20 Agreements had been signed at government level for economic cooperation which is unprecedented.
Iran having world’s largest hydrocarbon reserve is willing to develop business with international companies of high standing in oil and gas sectors to hold a position in the world market. In this connection Iran is looking for a huge foreign investment in the fields of exploration, drilling , production and refinery by inviting big foreign investors through an open bid.

Soon taking charge of his office H.E. Mr. Roohani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran has given high priority to eradication of terrorism and extremism in his foreign policy and making his view-point clear at international forums before UN General Assembly approved Iranian stance. Iran has always declared that it has no enmity against any country and believes that peace in neighbouring countries means peace in Iran and this country is also willing to extend cooperation in defence and security to those countries on priority basis that Iran has for the neighbouring countries. Iran believes that close and friendly relations with them can lead to stability of the region and also prevent foreign intervention in taking decisions about its progression. However, friendly relations between Iran and Pakistan are exemplary resting on the principled policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Only last year Dr. Zarif, Foreign Minister of Iran visited Pakistan thrice that indicates their cordiality of relations and magnitude of cooperation in the region. Both the countries have great history and their cultural and social bounds are not restricted to their diplomatic ties. A handful of radicals cannot undermine these bounds and sorority of the two nations whatsoever.

Iran has given a great deal of importance and priority to its policy related to promotion of relations with the neighbouring countries of the region and it is quite obvious that a move bringing Iran and world powers close to each other through proximity of ideas can also prove to be a catalyst in resolving regional issues and preventing other challenges confronted by the above countries. While discussing relations with Saudi Arabia we may like to add here that only a rebellious group in Iran attacked Saudi Embassy in Tehran without the support of Iranian government. Soon after the incident H.E. Mr. Roohani, President of I.R. of Iran condemned the attack on Saudi Embassy and Consulate and issued immediate orders for identification and arrest of the miscreants. Similarly, the Chief Justice of the Iranian Supreme Court also condemned the attack before passing order for immediate investigation of the matter and apprehension of the activists who are already in confinement and waiting for their trial.

Iran consoles people of Syria against their material and financial losses coming as a result of their struggle against terrorism. However, supporting activists by few countries did not bring dividend to this country except destruction of its economic infrastructure and elimination of many innocent people which is likely to accelerate terrorism in Syria with its side affects in other countries of the region. Iran, however, believes that military action cannot bring solution to Syrian problem except through dialogues and for the same reason Iran supports the outcome of 3rd Vienna Session. This must be resolved through continuous dialogues at national level without foreign intervention.

As far as Yemen is concerned the world is witness that military attacks on the civilian and other installations of Yemen during the last 11 months only aggravated the situation further. It is now clear that decisions of the government of Pakistan, its National Assembly and Army Chief regarding non intervention in Yemen problem were pragmatic. Under the present circumstance only dialogues between warrior groups in Yemen under the supervision of United Nations can bring solution to this problem.

Today the Muslims need more unity and harmony than ever. Therefore, it is important for the political and religious icons of the Muslim countries to open their doors for dialogues as much as possible because continuous siege of Ghaza by Zionist Regime, military attacks on the innocent people of Philistine at West Bank, crisis in Syria and Yemen, terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, expansion of ISIS activities in the Middle East and North Africa are clear indications for need to promote unity among the Muslim countries. Keeping all these factors in view it looks that OIC has failed to fulfill its prime obligation in forging unity among Muslim countries. Meanwhile the initiative by Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan and Gen. Rahil Sharif, Army Chief of Pakistan to visit Iran and Saudi Arabia as mediators is commendable and this precedent has to be followed by other Muslim countries as well. On the other hand Iran is willing to extend its cooperation for the peace and stability in the region and has decided to warmly reciprocate any support or collaboration received from Muslim countries in this connection.


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