Pakistan Day | Editorial

As Pakistan wakes up to celebrate the 81st anniversary of the Lahore resolution, it is important to take stock of how we have fared in the last eight decades. Over the years, several events have taught us the importance of protecting this homeland no matter what conflict or disaster might strike. There have been many tragedies, but Pakistan and its citizens have always emerged stronger. Many setbacks have also come our way, and yet, Pakistan has gone from strength to strength in almost all spheres.

With the rise in hate in both South Asia and beyond, it is clear that it is now time for us to look forward and chart a new path. It is important now to remember why this country was created, and keep that vision of a peaceful and prosperous Muslim homeland in mind when we look to the future. The civil-military leadership of Pakistan is thinking along the same lines, as evidenced by statements from the highest levels in both the armed forces and the government.

Our regional ambitions for development and mutual economic cooperation however, have hit a big stumbling block in India’s outward hostility. New Delhi has paid particular emphasis on setting itself against the efforts of finding a lasting peace that both Pakistan and China are propagating.

This is why it is all the more important to increase efforts on the diplomatic front, and make the international community realise that Pakistan’s narrative of peace is one worth supporting. If our ambitions to make an economically prosperous region are fully realised, three major countries with some of the largest population numbers—India, China and Pakistan—can work together on human development, instead of costly arms races and exchanging blows on the frontiers.

This is a moment of opportunity for the Asian continent. Much has been said about the “Asian Century”, but this vision needs the support of all regional powers. It is hoped that Pakistan’s efforts in the coming year bear some fruit, and the dream of a Pakistan that is peaceful, prosperous and becomes the lynchpin of regional trade that it was always meant to be.


March 23, 2021

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