
Monthly DAWN Opinions June 2021. This booklet is a compilation of Daily Opinions published in DAWN newspaper and dawn website. The CSS Point team had tried to compile most important articles, editorials, columns and opinions at one place so that student may not feel hurdle to read. Opinion pieces may take the form of an editorial, usually written by the senior editorial staff or publisher of the publication, in which case the opinion piece is usually unsigned and may be supposed to reflect the opinion of the periodical. In major newspapers, such as the New York Times and the Boston Globe, editorials are classified under the heading “opinion.” Monthly DAWN Opinions June 2021. Other opinion pieces may be written by a (regular or guest) columnist. Such pieces, referred to as “columns”, may be strongly opinionated, and the opinion expressed is that of the writer (and not the periodical). However, not all columns are opinion pieces; for example, columnists may write columns that are nonsensical and solely intended for their humoristic effect. An op-ed (abbreviated from “opposite the editorial page”) is an opinion piece that appears on a page in the newspaper dedicated solely to them, often written by a subject-matter expert, a person with a unique perspective on an issue, or a regular columnist employed by the paper. Op-eds may be solicited by the editorial staff, but may also be submitted by the author for publication. Although the decision to publish such a piece rests with the editorial board, any opinions expressed are those of the author. A letter to the editor is a common example of this. THE government is anticipating substantial relief for Pakistan in the Financial Action Task Force’s upcoming plenary meeting scheduled at the end of the month. The official statements give the impression that Pakistan is successfully approaching full compliance on most FATF recommendations. They also believe that the international political environment on the eve of American forces’ withdrawal from Afghanistan is in Pakistan’s favour.

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