The United Nations – 75 Years of Promoting Peace Human Rights and Development

The United Nations – 75 Years of Promoting Peace Human Rights and Development

Kent J. Kille and Alynna J. Lyon


CSS International Law & International Relations

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The United Nations – 75 Years of Promoting Peace Human Rights and Development. The United Nations (UN) is a universal international governmental organization tasked with maintaining peace and security, as well as promoting economic and social cooperation and protecting human rights across the globe. When the UN was founded in 1945, people around the world were optimistic that the organization would save the planet from the “scourge of war.” Since the creation of the UN, there have been no wars between great powers, and the organization has dynamically evolved in its handling of breaches of peace through the creation of peacekeeping, the delivery of humanitarian assistance, and the construction of new security norms, such as the responsibility to protect. Great strides have been made in addressing the social needs of the world’s population, including the eradication of smallpox. The UN provided a venue for the creation of many significant international human rights agreements, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (see Part VI) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Since 1945, the UN added over 140 member states, including assisting with the transition of many former colonial territories to independent countries operating as full members of the organization. The United Nations – 75 Years of Promoting Peace Human Rights and Development

The following student research assistants at The College of Wooster provided important research and editing assistance: Ghita Chiboub, Maureen Hanes, Matt Mayes, and Emmy Todd. In addition, Sabrina Harris, a student research assistant at The College of Wooster, receives particular recognition for the level of research collected and organized as well as writing assistance on the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). Several students from the University of New Hampshire also provided valuable research support and assistance, including Ryan Clasby, Cailee Griffin, Sophia Henkels, Elizabeth Lohmueller, and Madeleine Rousseau. Alynna and Kent would also like to express their deep gratitude to their families for their support and patience and to their students of International Relations and the United Nations System who continually provide inspiration. The United Nations – 75 Years of Promoting Peace Human Rights and Development

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