UN Failure in Promoting Peace By Malik Muhammad Ashraf

UN Failure in Promoting Peace By Malik Muhammad Ashraf

The formation of the United Nations after the end of World War II with the ostensible objective of preventing future wars and resolving conflicts between nations through peaceful means has miserably failed to achieve its vowed objectives.

The reasons for this failure are inherent in flaws in the charter and structure of the UNSC. Since its Charter was drawn up mainly by the triumphant powers of the World War they made sure that it served their strategic global interests and gave them the power to fashion the world according to their collective perceptions.

The UN itself laid the foundation of a perennial conflict in the Middle East by endorsing the establishment of Israel on Palestinian land which led to the displacement of millions of Palestinians. The state of Israel was created by the US and UK and since then they have been, along with their Western allies, not only supporting and strengthening it through economic and military support but have also turned a blind eye to her adventures and acts of genocide against the Palestinian and Arab nations.

Each time when the issue was discussed in the UNSC the US and its allies made sure not to support any resolution that condemned Israeli actions using their veto power that they enjoyed as per the UN Charter. Consequently, Arab countries and Israelis were involved in several armed conflicts the biggest one being the 1967 war when Israel occupied territories in Syria, Egypt and the West Bank. The UNSC adopted resolution 242 sponsored by Britain which called for the withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories, Arab recognition of and peace with Israel and a just settlement of the problem of Palestinian refugees displaced by war and the establishment of Israel. The Palestinians refused to accept the stipulation regarding the recognition of Israel. Consequently, the resolution could not be implemented. As a result of the Camp David Accords facilitated by former US President Jimmy Carter in 1978 peace was restored between Egypt and Israel and the latter also relinquished Egyptian land that it had occupied. However, it kept other areas captured in Syria and West Bank. It even started building settlements on the West Bank in complete defiance of UN resolutions.

Israeli actions have led to several uprisings by Palestinians like Intifada which were mercilessly crushed by Israel. Who can forget the massacres at Sabara and Shatilla refugee camps in 1982 supported by Israeli Defence Forces?

The idea of a two-state solution broached repeatedly at the global level also did not receive acceptance by Israel though the Palestinian and Arab states showed their agreement to it. Regrettably, each time Israel resorted to the genocide of the Palestinian people US and its allies never condemned her and vetoed any resolution that purported to do so. The US and its allies are the real culprits who have not allowed a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Israel has killed more than fifty thousand Palestinians in Gaza since the eruption of war in 2023 and almost destroyed all the structures in the area including hospitals. Even though the International Court of Justice has declared Israeli action genocidal and several resolutions calling for a ceasefire have been adopted the war continues. Israel has not only destroyed Gaza but is also unleashing attacks in Lebanon and Syria and has even resorted to a provocative act against Iran by killing the Hamas leader in Tehran. In this volatile situation, the US and its allies continue to provide arms and financial support to Israel instead of dissuading her from her aggressive actions.

It is also worth mentioning that the UN could not prevent wars in Korea, Viet Nam and Iraq which led to the killing of millions of people which also speaks volumes about its failure to establish peace.

Unfortunately, the dispute of Kashmir also remains unresolved even after more than seventy-five years since the adoption of UN resolutions calling for the settlement of the question of accession of the state to either Pakistan or India through a UN-sponsored plebiscite. The reason is that the big powers like the US are showing indifference to its resolution and some permanent members of the UNSC have also used veto power to thwart the solution of the dispute. Modi government encouraged by this support has ended the special status of IIOK&K by repealing Article 370 of the Indian constitution and annexing the territory to the Indian Union. But the UN seems helpless to do anything about it.

For some time now a debate has been raging about reforms in the UN and there is a very strong international lobby advocating for adding more permanent members to the UNSC with veto power. It is the most bizarre proposition because it is the veto power enjoyed by the present five members that has been the cause of the non-resolution of conflicts around the world.

Pakistan has been rightly and justifiably opposing this idea ever since it has been floated. Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN Munir Akram dilating on the proposition a few days ago strongly opposed it and demanded equal and accountable reforms in the council. He was right on the money to remark that the UNSC had failed to respond effectively to the global threats to international peace and security, primarily due to the inability of its permanent members to reach a consensus on decisive actions.

The addition of more members with veto power would further render the UNSC dysfunctional. Pakistan is particularly averse to granting a permanent seat to India in the UNSC being supported by the US and other Western countries. If India becomes a member of the UNSC with veto power then the Kashmir dispute would never be resolved as India would easily torpedo any attempt to resolve this contentious issue.

The best solution to make the UNSC functional lies in abolishing the veto power and making its resolutions binding on the parties concerned in any dispute. Adding more members to the UNSC without veto power and making decisions based on a majority vote will surely help in promoting peace, the purpose for which the UN was established. Another crucial reform to make the UN effective would be to change the way the Secretary-General is selected/elected.

Presently the UNSC members with a majority vote select the future candidate and recommend his name to the General Assembly which appoints the recommended person with a majority vote of its members. In the initial selection, the permanent members exert their influence in having the man of their choice elected by the UNSC and thus maintain their influence on whoever gets finally elected. The best way would be the election by a majority vote in the General Assembly only. The person thus elected would not be under obligation to any power and be able to act independently.

The writer is a former diplomat and freelance columnist.

UN Failure in Promoting Peace By Malik Muhammad Ashraf

Source: https://dailytimes.com.pk/1239489/un-failure-in-promoting-peace/

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