If only all it took to reform the education sector, even introduce a uniform system of instruction all over the country, was a mere stroke of the pen by the country’s chief executive, we would surely have overcome this problem as far back as the middle of the previous century. Yet sadly as noble as such intentions are, those expressing them, especially if they are at the top of the government structure in Pakistan, have always been ultimately disappointed. That is why the ruling party is also advised caution as it goes full steam ahead with its plans to provide the same quality education across the country.
The first of the many, many problems it is going to face will be about curriculum. With such ethnic, political, cultural and indeed religious diversity in the country, how do you get everybody to agree on a particular set of content for school books? And how is the government going to ensure availability of trained teachers, well versed in all the new syllabi to be introduced, in all parts of Pakistan? Also, just what is going to become of the madrassas? Hopefully the government understands that they are usually filled to the brim simply because they are more affordable and attract the big bulk of the people whose monetary positions prevent them from enrolling their children in regular children. As a result society has been predominantly pushed to the far right over the years.
Changing these trends is not just desirable but very urgently needed. Yet the government must understand that no change is going to come, at least not a positive one, if all it is going to do is just make some desperate noise. So far it doesn’t look like it has done its own homework. Why, otherwise, would it plan to launch the uniform education program as early as next year and not even share the changes it has made or intends to make to the present curricula taught in various types of schools? Before it can confidently go ahead with reforming the education system, it seems the government is itself in need of a bit of schooling.
Source: https://dailytimes.com.pk/686865/uniform-education-2/