Will The US abandon Iran Nuclear Deal? | Editorial

BRITAIN has urged the United States not to give up on Iran nuclear deal at this delicate juncture, as it would be a mistake to walk away. British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson during his visit to Washington urged the US to remain a part of the international accord. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has also warned that the United States would face historic regret if Donald Trump scraps nuclear deal with Tehran.
The 2015 deal — between Iran, the US, China, Russia, Germany, France and the UK — envisaged lifting of sanctions on Iran in return for curbs on its nuclear programme. France, the UK and Germany have been trying to persuade the US President that the current deal is the best way to stop Iran developing nuclear weapons but the US leader is apparently adamant to say goodbye to the accord as he has threatened that the US will ‘withdraw’ from the deal on May 12, end of a 120-day review period, unless Congress and European powers fixed its ‘disastrous flaws’. There are reasons to believe that Israel is behind the US intention of wriggling out of the agreement that earned appreciation of the entire global community, as it was a big step forward towards peaceful resolution of the longstanding controversy surrounding Iranian nuclear programme. Apparently in a bid to influencing the US decision, Israel last week revealed so-called secret nuclear files showing that Iran ran a clandestine nuclear weapons programme before 2003 and retained technological know-how in breach of the agreement with world powers. This mischievous development is in sharp contrast to the latest assertions by the nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which categorically rejected reports that Iran ever had any nuclear weapons programme. The IAEA is also satisfied with the progress made by Iran as per its obligations under accord with the world powers. In this backdrop, it is hoped that France, the UK and Germany would succeed in their efforts to save the agreement for the sake of regional and global peace and security.
Source: https://pakobserver.net/will-the-us-abandon-iran-nuclear-deal/

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