Checking Population Growth | Editorial

PAKISTAN is the sixth most populous country in the world with its population growing at the rate of 1.86 percent and there is no doubt that all existing as well as future planning for the country’s development will have no positive effect until population growth is checked with active collaboration of all the relevant institutions as well as the civil society.
It is heartening to note that like many other important matters including that of the construction of dams, honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar has also taken very pertinent notice of the population explosion. And the task force he constituted on the matter has come with some concrete suggestions including that of making pre-martial counselling on family planning mandatory for Nikah registration as well as holding Ulema conference on the issue on a regular basis. We are confident that the CJP will take the requisite steps and direct the relevant institutions to also ensure implementation of the recommendations of the task force as it is the matter of the future of the country. Indeed creating awareness amongst masses especially those living in the far-flung areas that have no access to modern communication system is the need of the hour to educate the masses about the importance of family planning that is also vital for the overall health of women and children. Our country is already resource stressed with problems already arising of water shortage and the existing health and education facilities are not enough to meet the requirements of current population. Therefore it is important that the federal and provincial governments develop a national narrative as also suggested by the task force in consultation with all the stakeholders to create a sense of urgency in reducing population growth rate and achieving socio-economic wellbeing of all. Country like China has set a policy to regulate the number of children and we also need to take steps towards that end after taking on board the religious scholars. It is important that different contraceptives are made available free of cost to the families at the health centres especially those in the rural areas. Misperceptions about these contraceptives should also offset through lady health workers as well as the media.

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