Ideology and US Foreign Policy Michael H Hunt

Title: Ideology and US Foreign Policy
Author: Michael H Hunt
Pages: 232
Subject: CSS PMS History of USA

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Ideology and US Foreign Policy Michael H Hunt. This is a little book about a big and slippery subject: the place of ideology in U.S. foreign policy. It ventures into a complicated realm where conceptual confusion often reigns. Much like imperialism and liberalism, other protean concepts frequently bandied about in serious historical and political discourse, ideology is hard to pin down.

Also, I should make clear at the outset that my efforts to make sense of the intellectual underpinnings of foreign policy have convinced me of the value of a broad and commonsensical working definition of ideology.

Which I view as an interrelated set of convictions or assumptions that reduces the complexities of a particular slice of reality to easily comprehensible terms and suggests appropriate ways of dealing with that reality.

Furthermore, Readers will no doubt have their own widely varying and sometimes quite pronounced views on what ideology is and how it relates to policy. Also, I have been aware from the start of the difficulties posed by the inherent complexity of my subject and the diverse preconceptions of my readers. Ideology and US Foreign Policy Michael H Hunt.

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In addition, At the end I am no less aware of those difficulties and am thoroughly convinced of the truth of Gordon Craig’s observation of over a decade ago: “To establish the relationship between ideas and foreign policy is always a difficult task, and it is no accident that it has attracted so few historians.”

Moreover, We must not treat this subject like a surly invalid relative whose justified claims to the attention we honor only infrequently and even then perfunctorily; it is too important to be left in a state of neglect.

Also, the construction of this broad picture of U.S. foreign relations from its inception down to the present has in large measure involved assembling fragments of historical evidence and interpretation, some of it doubtless familiar to my readers, into a new pattern. Ideology and US Foreign Policy Michael H Hunt

Lastly, Please read and judge this volume in terms of its objectives to provide new insights into the past and provoke fresh thinking about the present. I hope at the very least that this works.

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