Introduction to Islam By Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah


Title: Introduction to Islam
Author: Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah
Pages: 336
Subject: Islamic Studies

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Introduction to Islam By Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah. There has been a wide demand for a correspondence course on Islam. Tn response to this, a modest effort has been made with the help of several collaborators, particularly of Prof. M, Rahimuddin and the present series of fifteen monographs has been prepared under the joint auspices of the Centre Cultural Islamique and the Mosque, in Paris. This will, it is hoped, give a general idea of Islam, its history and culture and its handling of the diverse aspects and problems of life. Each subject is a monograph in itself and self-contained, hence a certain repetition has been unavoidable, the more so because life is a variegated affair and the fields of human activities are closely related to one another and often overlap. There has been a wide demand for a correspondence course on Islam. Introduction to Islam By Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah. To response to this, a modest effort has been made with the help of several collaborators, particularly of Prof. M, Rahimuddin and the present series of fifteen monographs has been prepared under the joint auspices of the Centre Cultural Islamique and the Mosque, in Paris. This will, it is hoped, give a general idea of Islam, its history and culture and its handling of the diverse aspects and problems of life. Each subject is a monograph in itself and self-contained, hence a certain repetition has been unavoidable, the more so because life is a variegated affair and the fields of human activities are closely related to one another and often overlap. Introduction to Islam By Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah In the annals of men, individuals have not been lacking who conspicuously devoted their lives to the socio-religious reform of their connected peoples. We find them in every epoch and in all lands. In India, there lived those who transmitted to the world the Vedas, and there was also the great Gautama Buddha; China had its Confucius; the Avesta was produced in Iran. Babylon gave to the world one of the greatest reformers, the Prophet Abraham (not to mention those of his ancestors like Enoch and Noah of whom we have very scant information). The Jewish people may rightly be proud of a long series of reformers: Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon, and Jesus among others.

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