Position of Pakistani Women in 21st Century A Long Way to Go By Dr Khalid Manzoor Butt

Since the independence of Pakistan, womenfolk have been facing exploitative treatment. Socio-cultural, religious, political, and economic factors have kept them at receiving end. By and large, they have been deprived of the rights granted by the Constitution of Pakistan. Till the culmination of 20th Century, they were treated like second rate citizens and remained disadvantaged educationally, socially, economically, and politically. With the dawn of 21st Century, the revival of democracy, emergence of vibrant civil society, and proactive media and judiciary brought a ray of hope for women in Pakistan.


Since the independence of Pakistan, women folk have been facing exploitative treatment. Socio-cultural, religious, political, and economic factors have kept them at receiving end. By and large, they have been deprived of the rights granted by the Constitution of Pakistan. Till the culmination of 20th Century, they were treated like second-rate citizens and remained disadvantaged educationally, socially, economically, and politically. With the dawn of the 21st Century, the revival of democracy, the emergence of a vibrant civil society, and proactive media and judiciary brought a ray of hope for women in Pakistan. Therefore, some old laws were replaced with new ones during Musharraf and Zardari’s rules. A significant move in this regard was the enhanced representation of women in different political forums to give them voice and to make them part of decision-making. Notwithstanding improved laws for the protection of women, violence, and crimes against women are on rise. It is still a big task to revise the role of women from subservient to equal partners in the family and to ensure equal status to that of men in society.





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