Successful Diplomacy | Editorial

India’s attempt to secure a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has been blocked by Pakistan as it highlighted the failure of the country to meet relevant requirements. This is a win for us and the credit for this must go to our diplomatic team at the UN headquarters. Such efforts must continue for the sake of the Kashmiri struggle, and persecuted minorities in India.

Pakistan put forth a case against India in the UNSC which stated that time and time again, India has violated UNSC resolutions. Primarily through interfering in Kashmir, robbing it of its special status and imposing a dictatorial regime which rests upon extreme human rights violations for retaining control and power. Furthermore, reforms such as granting permanent seats to countries like India would be premature given that such issues remain critical topics for debate and barely any action has been taken to secure the interests of the people who are suffering needlessly.

Furthermore, India also lacks the backing of 129 member states—forming a two-thirds majority of the UN Charter. Conversely, Pakistan had support for its move to block India. This included states from the entire Arab League as well as the African Union. If India could not even get the support of half of the member countries, then it serves as a reminder that certain troubling actions are being taken by the country that deserves attention. Our diplomatic efforts have been focused on proving that India is acting as a tyrant and bully in the region and we have done so through platforms like the UN. Key global actors must remain cognizant of why so many countries are opposing India and its efforts to secure a seat in one of the most influential UN bodies.

We must continue on this path of exerting diplomatic pressure and ringing alarm bells against the BJP government’s actions against minorities. Kashmir’s cause must also be brought to the limelight; with time, the situation keeps getting worse in the region and there seems to be no entity that is willing to keep a check on India’s power and influence. Blocking its attempt to secure a permanent seat was the first step in a line of countless others that will enable some positive action to be taken in the future.



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