Taking Kashmir To The UN | Editorial

The wars fought between Pakistan and India, and the daily skirmishes on the line of control (LoC) between the soldiers of the two nuclear states are evidence that Kashmir will always remain the hotspot between them. In times when India is ruled by the likes of Narendra Modi of Bharatiya Janata Party, (BJP), whose favourite tools to secure the position of regional hegemon includes warmongering, Pakistan has taken a sensible step in bringing Kashmir issue at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that is in progress.
The Indian government has called off the scheduled meeting between Pakistani and Indian foreign ministers days before the UNGA session citing an incident in Kashmir as a terrorist attack. However, it is essential to highlight the difference between terrorism and “right to self-determination” under the auspices of the UN that allows the occupied people to overthrow the occupation of their lands by any means necessary, including armed resistance.
Pakistan also thinks that dialogue is the best solution to settle any conflict. It is Islamabad’s firm belief in the benefits of conversation that Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi will appeal before the world community play its role in finding a durable solution for Kashmir.
It is about time for the global community, in general, to show some respect to the desires of the Kashmiri people who for the last seven decades are struggling hard to overthrow the unjustified and illegal Indian occupation of their lands. The ultimate responsibility, in this regard, lies with the members of the Security Council and especially the United States of America, which is leading the unipolar world.
Before the unipolarity in world order ceases to exist and before it becomes a daunting task like the ever-worsening Syrian civil war, the US needs to show some sincere efforts in convincing and pressurising India on giving up the illegal occupation of the Kashmir valley.
The US has many a time asserted that a sustainable solution could be thought of if both states “sit down and have a conversation together”. However, it seems that the US cannot remain impartial in the case of India and Pakistan. While in India, the US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo asked Pakistan to abandon terrorist attacks into India. Pompeo’s statement was a callous one as it was nothing but undermining the sacrifices of Kashmiri people to set their land free.
Among the many themes of convergence between the two partners in “war on terror”, Kashmir needs not to be forgotten at all. The US needs to let her interest go, at least for once, to settle the Kashmir issue.
Source: https://nation.com.pk/25-Sep-2018/taking-kashmir-to-the-un

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