The Power Paradigms
Whether it is China or Russia, whether in Ukraine or Middle East, one thing is for certain that the American control is no more as strong as it was. The American retreat from Afghanistan, Chinese President Xi’s resplendent Riyadh visit, Saudi-Iran relaxation, or Syria-Saudi reconciliation all enunciate a visible threat to the American monopoly. Maybe it’s just karma. The US behaving as a world ruling oligarchy has manipulated global affairs for decades. Though its dominance was never unchallenged, such blatant disregard of American wont and system is rather unprecedented. After the defunct USSR’s conclusion, so far the US has somewhat enjoyed sole ownership of power, and has exploited its influence not just to protect its interests but to damage those of others also. From invading countries and tumbling governments to destroying nations and devastating tranquillity, the US has not missed even a single chance of sabotaging the states that dare present their stance. A deteriorated Vietnam, plundered Iraq, traumatised Afghanistan, shattered Syria, ravaged Ukraine, ruined Libya, and depleted Somalia, all are examples of America’s ‘adventures’. Besides this, the side effects such as a terror-struck Pakistan, regional conflicts, and chaos, the US has directly been involved in all these affairs. The US’s scrimmage for preservation and continuation of its ascendancy has directly disturbed the tranquillity the worldwide. Its intercontinental supremacy has cost the world colossally.
China is undoubtedly a key player, which is jeopardising American hegemony throughout the world, especially in Asia. All the affliction America is inflicted with has resulted in an increase in its affection for India. It shows all the affinity because it sees India as a chance against China. India also seems quite staunch on contesting if not surpassing China.
The Power Paradigms
The United States has profitably kept Middle East in a hiatus so far. Whether it was through instigating inter-Arab rifts or aggravating Saudi-Iran strife, it fruitfully utilised situations to its advantage. Whenever relations between the two largest regional entities moved towards normalisation, somehow the matter was strained. But who was the beneficiary of this escalation? It does not help Pakistan or even China as a matter of fact. If relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Iran improve, China gets a significantly better potential for economic activity. Neither would any regional stakeholder want such a tension as it causes an overall crisis throughout the region. But there is one global power, whose sublimity might suffer if a considerable ally such as KSA warms its links with Iran. Similarly, such a move will prove threatening for another of its vital partner, Israel, which presumes Iran as its archenemy. The Saudi-Iran duo, backed by China, is a serious intimidation to the American-Israeli nexus. Besides, the US still has the Russian phobia to deal with. For now, the Russian base scene in Sudan is halted, but as soon as unrest eases, they’ll commence it rapidly. So Russia has augmented its presence in the Middle East and nearby.
The document leak is a serious blow for the US. But more damaging is its aftermath. The documents tell on how Israel is going to provide lethal support to Ukraine if Russia, Iran relations grow and how the US pressurises Turkey to hand weapons, though they want to maintain relations with Moscow. The documents reveal on how the Americans were eavesdropping on the South Koreans. It also reveals how the US was concerned after Chinese telecommunication company was included in Jordan’s switch to 5G technology and that the Americans are concerned about Nicaragua negotiating with a Chinese firm for building of a seaport.
The Power Paradigms
At least in the Sudan conflict, it’s evident who’s fighting against whom and why. Unlike Pakistan, where no militia or army are involved, and the Parliament and the Supreme Court have waged a war against each other, such tensile conditions are not unexpected in countries like Sudan provided that military has staged a coup. But in countries like Pakistan, where the military is ‘neutral’ and the politicians claim to be democratic, this is lamentable. Whether it is Pakistan, Sudan, Middle East, Washington or Beijing, the scuffle is for dominance and monopoly. Some are using guns, others rely on their tongues. Some are using diplomacy, others utilise pecuniary. The struggle for power and influence continues.
The current scenario is, indeed, a positive harbinger towards peace and prosperity. It seems that the Saudis have finally understood that for a sustainable development and influential international standing of Middle East, moving along Iran is a necessity. Besides, China is undoubtedly a key player, which is jeopardising American hegemony throughout the world, especially in Asia. All the affliction America is inflicted with has resulted in an increase in its affection for India. It shows all the affinity because it sees India as a chance against China. India also seems quite staunch on contesting if not surpassing China. The demographics are changing rapidly and that too in India’s favour. It is now the largest population in the world, and hence the largely growing consumer market as well as a rapidly growing industrial producer.
The Power Paradigms
Though China has caused drastic modifications to the global monopoly, it faces a very immediate threat. It’s a threat far worse than Russia was for the United States, because both the competing nations are neighbours and pose direct danger to each other. America, for a long time, cherished solitary paramountcy, because it was oceans apart from those who actually posed it any peril. A neighbour being an enemy’s extremity can be perceived from the Cuban crisis. A country almost the size of Tennessee gave the US some serious trauma. Although economic standings and monetary stability matter more now, but even still India is a serious challenger to China’s upcoming supremacy.