Europe Since Napoleon By David Thomson. Since this book Europe Since Napoleon By David Thomson first appeared in 1957 the welcome given to it on both sides of the Atlantic has been very encouraging. It attempts to present the history of the last 150 years of European civilization in a new way. The conventional belief that European history must be presented in terms of the separate component nations, and of the coming together of their representatives in wars or conferences, conflicts or compacts, is being more openly doubted. The belief on which this study is based -that tendencies which transcend several nations at once have a rather special historical importance – is gaining ground. If the notion is welcomed that these tendencies, rather than separate governmental policies, are a good and interesting focus for historical study, it is because such an approach can give European studies that greater cohesion and coherence which seem appropriate in our postwar experience. For this edition the story has been continued to the end of 1963, which means to the brink of the space age. The text and bibliography have been revised in the light of corrections and comments received from helpful readers. I make no apology, even since the collapse of Britain’s negotiations to enter the European Economic Community, for having throughout considered the British Isles as a part of European civilization. For this edition the story has been continued to the end of 1963, which means to the brink of the space age. The text and bibliography have been revised in the light of corrections and comments received from helpful readers. I make no apology, even since the collapse of Britain’s negotiations to enter the European Economic Community, for having throughout considered the British Isles as a part of European civilization. The belief on which this study is based -that tendencies which transcend several nations at once have a rather special historical importance – is gaining ground. If the notion is welcomed that these tendencies, rather than separate governmental policies, are a good and interesting focus for historical study. Europe Since Napoleon By David Thomson
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