Monthly Global Point Current Affairs February 2022

Monthly Global Point Current Affairs February 2022

Title: Monthly Global Point Current Affairs
Edition: February 2022
Publisher: The CSS Point
Subject: CSS PMS Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, IR

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Monthly Global Point Current Affairs February 2022.

Monthly Global Point Current Affairs February 2022. Several years ago, one had taken the liberty to draw up a ‘foreign policy wish list’ in the fond hope that the (then) government of the country would be looking to make moves to turn the country’s foreign policy priorities around to conform to the national interest.

That, one now recognizes with the benefit of hindsight, was perhaps not only a wee bit premature but also something of an over-reach. It may perhaps not be inopportune to revisit some facets of this wish list considering that things in this field haven’t changed much over the years. Time may be ripe for the government to initiate a frank, candid, and above-board discussion with the United States administration in order to separate the grain from the chaff.

The negotiations held earlier, in the murky behind-closed-doors atmosphere, do not count. For starters – to fall back on an Americanism – need may be felt to clarify to our ‘friends’ and, indeed, to the world at large that ‘terrorism’ is not strictly our baby, even though we may have been left holding it due to circumstances perhaps beyond our control. After all, how long can the people of Pakistan be expected to continue to bear an open-ended commitment like a millstone around their collective neck? We must be allowed to tackle the genie of extremism and terrorism that has been let out of the bottle, on our own terms and in keeping with our ethos with the minimum of outside interference. Monthly Global Point Current Affairs September 2021

Keeping our long-term relationship in view, should we not trust our ‘strategic ally’ to show the necessary understanding and/or flexibility and refrain from repeating the mantra of ‘do more’ every now and then? Now, on to our relations with India! The very goalposts now appear to have been discernibly moved. Monthly Global Point Current Affairs February 2022



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